Direct Impact
Our portfolio companies are key employers in their operating areas, which are typically rural and with little other high-paid work available.
Our portfolio companies are key employers in their operating areas, which are typically rural and with little other high-paid work available.
of our total workforce are women, in a male dominated sector
In total, our employees earn $29m p.a.
Our portfolio companies employ 6,900 people
Impact through employment: expansion of existing businesses
Our portfolio companies are key employers in areas which are typically rural with little high-paid work available. Since making the investments, the number of jobs provided by our operations has materially increased. Silverlands now employs over 6,900 people, almost a 50% increase from the number employed when the businesses were purchased (~4,700).
Women in Our Workforce
Although agriculture is typically male-dominated, we employ a significant proportion of women. 40% of our total workforce are women, although there are more in the seasonal / temporary labour force (49%) than permanent staff (24%). Many women have been appointed in key management positions. Hiring women continues to be a focus for each operation, and over time cultures are changing to allow women to leave their responsibilities at home and seek employment.
Supporting SMEs who Support Us
Our operations cannot run without the support of a wide diversity of SMEs, including transporters, builders, electricians, caterers, and various smaller suppliers. Our businesses rely on upwards of 630 SMEs in Tanzania, Zambia and Namibia. Annually, over $18.3 million is paid to these SMEs, which filters into our surrounding economies. If each SME has ~10 employees, this implies that some 6,000 jobs are supported by our businesses.
Our businesses are enabling thousands of employees to develop skills across the agricultural value chain. We aim to train the entire work force in the highest possible standards, giving opportunities to progress professionally and proliferate knowledge throughout the community.
Fire-fighting, health and safety, safe handling of chemicals, first aid.
Biosecurity, cattle handling, poultry production, Poultry Training Centre “training the trainers”.
Tractor, forklift, knapsack, chainsaw, combine harvesters.
Payroll, Excel, tax, capital allowances, internal auditing.
Plant production, irrigators, crop and orchard monitors, sprayers.
Health and wellness days, “Shine Project”, peer educator training, crèche.
Corporate Social Investment
We are conscious that donations can have long lasting positive impacts on people’s lives. Every operation contributes in some way each year to those in need. These initiatives are an important mechanism for meaningful interaction with our surrounding communities.
In 2019, ~$185,000 of CSI donations benefited an estimated 36,000 people.
Our Environment: Strategies and Efficiencies
Our operations are successful partly because of the dedicated management of key environmental aspects. Initiatives to reduce emissions include minimising the clearing of land and reducing the use of water and fertilisers through focused application. Practising minimum tillage increases carbon, moisture and nutrient levels in the soil. Operations adhere to proper waste management practices including outstanding management of hazardous wastes (such as empty chemical containers). Furthermore, each farm protects the biodiversity in its non-cropping areas.