Silo complex
A silo complex, commissioned in June 2018, is fully operational. The business is in the process of setting up a system to offer grain storage space to smallholder farmers to assist them with improved storage and the ability to hold produce for better pricing.
Hydro-electric power installed
Hydro-electric power is a proven and clean technology and can be the most efficient in certain locations. Silverlands Ndolela has the luxury of an 80 m drop in the large Ruhuhu River on the southern border of the farm. They upgraded the mini hydropower facility present at acquisition from 80 to 800 kW by extending the canal and installing a new hydroelectric plant.
Commissioned in December 2017, the hydro-generated electricity powers the farm’s irrigation pumps, pivots, housing and offices. It supplies the power requirements for all except two months of the year when it fulfils around 70% of the farm’s needs.
Seed Potatoes in Tanzania
Silverlands Tanzania produces seed potatoes at the Ludodolelo farm in the high elevation Makete area that has a perfect climate for growing potatoes. Many smallholder farmers in that region also grow potatoes, presenting an excellent opportunity to train farmers and provide a supply of improved varieties of potato seed.
Farmers typically achieve low yields of 5 - 10 t/ha, when yields up to 40 t/ha are potentially achievable by smallholder farmers. Reasons for these low yields include: lack of good quality clean seed of improved varieties; no crop rotation; and losses due to soil diseases. To address these problems, training is focused on the long-term benefits of soil fertility management, crop rotation, and the use of improved varieties.
Field training days held at the farm or in communities have been attended by over 200 farmers, with other farmers visiting the farm on an ad hoc basis to learn. In the coming season, ten demonstration plots are being planted regionally, rotating maize in summer with potatoes in winter.
Discussions with smallholder farmers has also been beneficial for Silverlands. Understanding the intricacies of the local conditions has led farm management to adjust their planting date, with potential benefits for Selous farm who can receive their potato seed earlier for planting.
Sunflower Seed in Tanzania
Silverlands has been integral in introducing varieties of sunflower that are both high-yielding and rich in oil, containing up to 8% more oil than local varieties (a total oil content of over 40%). This year, 96 t of sunflower seed were produced on Silverlands Ndolela farm. This may be used to plant over 19,000 ha by ~39,000 smallholder farmers, increasing each farmer’s income by $125 each year, 55-60% of whom are women. Using this seed will raise incomes for both the farmer and the owner of the sunflower seed crusher.
Silverlands Ndolela is the first producer of hybrid sunflower seed in Tanzania. Where imported hybrid sunflower seed costs $12/Kg (or more), the seed that Silverlands Ndolela has grown will be retailed at $6.50/Kg, almost half of the imported seed. This is a huge step in making improved seed varieties more accessible.
~600 mini sunflower demonstration plots developed
Farmers lack information on the benefits of using quality seeds (yield and oil content) and are limited on their choice of seed varieties. To show farmers the new sunflower varieties, ~600 mini demonstration plots were planted with the aid of several NGOs in the prime sunflower areas – Tanzania’s Central Corridor and Southern Highlands.
Sunflowers are good to add into the rotation with maize and soya beans as they improve soil by bringing nutrients to the surface soil layers from deeper down. Sunflower oil is also high in polyunsaturated fats which have nutritional benefits.
Introducing avocados
An avocado orchard development in Tanzania is ongoing. Avocados are a high value crop, and will increase profitability for the business.
Employee housing
Employees’ productivity, happiness and wellbeing is better when they live in good housing in a pleasant environment. In Tanzania, employee housing has been expanded and upgraded providing homes for the employees.
Training in Conservation Farming
Silverlands Cropping has endeavoured to provide training in conservation farming techniques. By practicing such methods smallholder farmers can reduce soil erosion, increase yields and incomes, and even sequester carbon from the atmosphere.
500 hives to be installed involving local communties
The large heads of sunflowers require large quantities of bees for pollination, presenting an additional opportunity. Silverlands’ Ndolela farm is building 500 hives for a bee-keeping and honey producing project that will involve local communities.